
IT Alignment Workshops

Build IT strategy capabilities to increase value from IT investments

The IT alignment workshop initiates the development of the IT alignment capability within your enterprise. It will be worked out how the processes and techniques of the IT Alignment Guide can be applied to your organization. The existing business strategy and the current planning processes are taken into consideration to build an operational IT alignment capability. A specific action plan with measurable gates will be outlined.

The IT alignment workshop is subdivided into three stages:

Stage 1: Preparation and as-is analysis (online sessions with IT executives)

  • Understanding the customer's expectations and identify chances.
  • Analyzing the customer's business models and the strategic context.
  • Analyzing current processes, roles, and tools for making IT investment decisions.
  • Identifying key problems or challenges.
  • Gaining an understanding of the IT Alignment Framework.
  • Preparing the process workshop (stage 2).

Stage 2: Process workshop (group work on site with stakeholders involved in strategic IT planning)

  • Reflecting the as-is processes for making IT investment decisions
  • Analyzing the strengths and weaknesses of as-is processes
  • Drafting the to-be processes for strategic IT planning, including roles and artifacts
  • Developing an action list to achieve the to-be processes for IT alignment

Stage 3: Post-processing (online session with IT executives)

  • Reviewing the workshop outcomes.
  • Refining the to-be processes and roles for IT alignment.
  • Creating and agreeing on the implementation plan.
  • Retrospective

As an optional service, the implementation of IT alignment can be accompanied by an experienced consultant.
